Home Page > Quick Links > Borrow/Return
  • Library Card

    All students, faculty and staff could go to Network and Information Center to apply for ID card.ID card can be used to enter the library and check out items. ID card cannot be borrowed to others. Report Loss and Reapply for the ID Card 1. Loss of a SJTU I

  • Borrowing Privileges

    Users with different cards have different privileges

  • Borrowing Regulations

    Check outBooks can be checked out at circulation desks with SJTU ID cardsLoan quotas refer to the largest amount of loanable books from all the SJTU libraries on different campuses (the School of Medicine Library excluded).The number of borrowed books inc

  • Self-check Machine

    The library has installed self-check machines, so that users can check out/in books by themselves. Check-out instructions: 1. Choose "borrow" and scan card 2. Put the book on the board and the spine toward the inside 3. The machine can only scan 5 books/time 4: Choose "confirm". If there's any problem, please consult the staff at service center.

  • Violation

    Overdue MaterialsReaders must pay fines for overdue materials. Fines will be 0.10 Yuan per item per day.For reserved overdue books: If other readers have reserved materials, the library will send return reminders via email or text. Users shall return befo